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Condoms on store

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Should condoms be available on SCAA store?

Condoms on store Vote_lcap67%Condoms on store Vote_rcap 67% 
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Condoms on store Vote_lcap33%Condoms on store Vote_rcap 33% 
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Total Votes : 3
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Condoms on store Empty Condoms on store

Post  Pitter Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:13 pm

I was wondering if it wouldn't be nice to go to (SCAA) store one day and easily get some condoms, just like you would want to get any ordinary item such as pens and notebooks.

Amongst all the benefits that it would bring to the SCAA community, it would surely help with the prevention of STDs such as aids(since it was its day only a few days ago), and help to generate more awareness on those health issues.


Not to mention it would make all the young men in IT very happy.

Posts : 7
Join date : 2007-10-29

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Condoms on store Empty Re: Condoms on store

Post  Payanke Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:39 pm

Yes please! However, like alcohol there should be a rule that it may not "be consumed" during working hours, not even for "medicinal purposes" or rainy days. I recommend that spot-checks are then carried to ensure that condoms are still intact by the end of your shift. Not more than 4 packets of three may be allocated to one person per month.. er I mean per night.. else it becomes a health hazard. However, should you also fail to collect new condoms for over three months - HR should organise therapy for you. May we have a long and healthy sex life!

Posts : 11
Join date : 2007-11-20

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Condoms on store Empty Re: Condoms on store

Post  Payanke Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:48 pm

Dapre dernyen ransennyman, en "Depth Management Committee" pe ganny met anplas pou deal avek sa problenm size. Volunteers are required.

Posts : 11
Join date : 2007-11-20

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